Welcome to Day 10  of this years Ultimate Eurythmics Advent Calendar.

Each day we are going to unleash some new and exciting pictures, videos, rare memorabilia and an incredible surprise on the 25th December.  Also, each day will add a prize to our prize bank, our largest ever giveaway of 25 items.  We’re working with Stand Up 2 Cancer this year alongside Dave, and to enter our giveaway, all you have to do is Launch A Star for someone you love via the Su2C website here, once you have done that, send us proof you have, towebmaster@eurythmics-ultimate.com and you will be entered into the prize draw, you can enter as many times as you like, 1 entry for each $5 you donate.

Stand Up To Cancer’s purpose is to enable cutting-edge research aimed at finding a cure to all types of cancer, including breast, prostate, skin, brain, lung, colon, cervical, the list goes on. Katie Couric, Laura Ziskin, Sherry Lansing, Lisa Paulsen, the Entertainment Industry Foundation, the Noreen Fraser Foundation and Ellen Ziffren are leading SU2C’s development.

Please support Stand Up 2 Cancer this Christmas.

To visit the main Advent Calendar page click here

The prize added to todays prize bank is : A Copy of the CD that Annie Lennox appeared on by Tibetan artist Yungchen Lhamo called Ama.

Today we open the next of our memorabilia galleries, its the turn of our books and sheet music today.  Click here to enter the sheet music gallery and here to enter the book gallery.